Main activity

Core Facility Genomics (CFG) provides genomic analysis services and access to cutting-edge genomic instrumentation. Our main technologies include massively parallel sequencing using MGI, AVITI and nanopore sequencing, and high-throughput and digital PCR. We also have access to additional instrumentation, including cell sorters, flow cytometers, and Laser Capture Microdissection, through our partnership with CEITEC Center of Molecular Medicine. We can also serve as a technological platform for the organization of workshops of various sizes, collaborating with various suppliers and application specialists.  

Contact email:


Please get registered to our booking system

Booking system

Direct access for users to the booking system.

Access modes 

We offer different modes of access to our services, including full service, sequencing service with customer-supplied libraries, or self-operated instrument access. To use our full service or sequencing service mode, please contact us at To learn more about offered services, go to the Services tab. 

For self-operated instrument access, users must undergo training organized by CFG and then reserve instruments through the CEITEC booking system (the links for registration and access to the booking system are above). In self-operated access, users can use their own consumables, or use the consumables from the core facility stock after agreement. Contact us for more information before ordering services for the first time.

Please note that some of the instruments are reserved for CFG employees only.

Instrument tranining and self-service access 

We provide consultations, training and service for methods available on installed equipment such as qPCR, high-throughput qPCR, digital PCR, Tapestation and more (Equipment). Our capacity for these services is limited and we prefer self-service mode after training. To become certified for self-service operation, users should first participate in a lab tour to obtain information on general and safety rules and then obtain specific training for required instrument. To apply for self-service access, please contact us on  

In addition, we offer service, training, and access to flow cytometry equipment (cell sorter, flow cytometers, MACS, microdissection) in cooperation with research groups from the Center of Molecular Medicine.


If you have used our services or instruments in your research, we kindly ask to acknowledge us in your publication. Our current acknowledgment reads as follows: 

„We acknowledge the CF Genomics and the CF Bioinformatics supported by the NCMG research infrastructure (LM2023067 funded by MEYS CR) for their support with obtaining scientific data presented in this paper.“

View our laboratory on 3D panoramatic virtual tour: