CFG Services

Majority of CF Genomics services is related to Next Generation (Massively Parallel) Sequencing (NGS, MPS). It includes sample and library quality control, sequencing library preparation and sequencing on Illumina instruments. As a complimentary method, we employ single molecule sequencing platforms by Oxford Nanopore Technologies'  PromethION P2 Solo for genome assembly, metagenomics and rapid sequencing. 

Sample acceptance and storage policy

To ensure high-quality analysis, it is important to follow our sample submission guidelines after agreeing upon a service. You can download the full text of these instructions here.

CFGenomics declares to store the samples/libraries for a period of at least six months from the conclusion of the order.

Sample and Library QC

Sample and Library QC

Library Preparation

Library Preparation

Short-Read Sequencing

Short-Read Sequencing

Long-Read Sequencing

Long-Read Sequencing

Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing

Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing

In Situ Gene Expression

In Situ Gene Expression

Price List

Price List