Short-Read Sequencing
CF Genomics operates a set of low-throughput to high-throughput sequencers from different manufacturers. These machines cover broad range of possible applications including whole-genome sequencing, exome sequencing, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq and other counting applications, metagenomics (16S, 18S), and many others. These instruments have single or multiple lane flowcells and ready-to-use cartridges with sequencing chemistry. Customers can purchase the entire sequencing run, a run without chemistry (if they bring their own kit), or sequencing in a shared run. For certain specific kits that are not commonly used, it is necessary to purchase your own kit.
sample name must not contain any characters other than numbers, letters, underscores (_) and dashes (-) (i.e. no spaces are allowed)
MiSeq is a low-throughput sequencer preferably used for longer reads (up to 2x300bp) with capacity 1-25 millions reads/run. MiSeq is best in applications that do not require high number of reads and/or require long reads for example 16S, gene panels, and small genomes. The MiSeq System runs a single flow cell with run time from 5.5 to 56 hours. Sequencing kit types and the output in the number of reads are summarized in the table below.
NextSeq 500 - DEPRECATED
NextSeq is a medium-throughput sequencer which supports up to 300 cycles sequencing (ie. 2x150). NextSeq is a good choice for many applications ranging from larger gene panels and exomes through counting applications such as RNA-Seq or ChIP-Seq to whole transcriptome or genome sequencing. Sequencing kit types and the output in the number of reads are summarized in the table below.
NovaSeq 6000
NovaSeq is a high-throughput sequencer with maximum read lenght of 2x250 bp which uses a patterned flowcell with individually addressable flowcell lanes and enables the independent launch of two separate runs. NovaSeq is a great choice for larger whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing projects. Libraries with unique dual indexes are a must for this system. Sequencing kit types and the output in the number of reads are summarized in the table below.

DNBSEQ-G400 is a medium-throughput benchtop sequencer with individually addressable flowcell lanes that enables independent launch of two separate runs. Sequencing of Illumina libraries is possible after their conversion using a specific kit from MGI. Sequencing kit types and the output in the number of reads are summarized in the table.
Element Biosciences
AVITI is a medium-throughput benchtop sequencer with individually addressable flowcell lanes that enables independent launch of two separate runs. The advantage of this system is the high quality of reads, achieving Q-scores of Q40 (1 error in 10,000 bases). In addition, AVITI enables direct sequencing of Illumina libraries without prior conversion thanks to the new Cloudbreak Freestyle sequencing chemistry. Sequencing kit types and the output in the number of reads are summarized in the table.