
Booking system

Direct access for registered users to the CFG booking system.

Equipment available to users within self-operated access mode

In self-operated mode, the following intruments are accessible to users after proper training in CFG and registration in booking system. Please note that the use of most instruments must be registered in advance in the booking system. If you are interested in using these instruments, please contact us to find out more training details. 

Agilent Tapestation 4150


Spark multimode reader 

NanoDrop 2000c 

ABI QuantStudio 12K Flex

Roche LightCycler 480 II 

Rotor-Gene Q

Biometra TOptical Thermocycler 

QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System BioRad 

UVITEC Transilluminator

Covaris S220

Equipment operated by CFG staff 

The following instruments are preferably operated by CFG staff. If you need to use one, please contact the staff for possible assistance. 

Fragment Analyzer

Pippin Prep

10X Chromium Controller 
MagCore HF16 Plus 
Tecan Freedom EVO 200

Eppendorf epMotion 5075

Opentron OT-2
Oxford nanopore P2 solo

Element AVITI (coming soon)


Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (coming soon)

10xGenomics Xenium Analyzer​

Partners equipment - Flow cytometry

CF Genomics provides access to flowcytometry instrumentation and services managed by Tomáš Loja ( Available instruments are BD FACS Aria Fusion cell sorter (4 lasers, 16 parameters), BD FACS Verse flowcytometer (3 lasers, 12 parameters), Miltenyi autoMACS (magnetic assisted cell sorting), Zeiss PALM microdissection system (inverted fluorescent microscope with microdissection). Cell sorter is not available in self-operated mode, users have to request sorting service. Cell sorting project must be consulted and approved by cell sorter operators in advance (please contact Tomáš L. directly in this case). Flowcytometers, MACS and microdissection may be oparated by users after training.

BD FACS Aria Fusion


BD FACSymphony S6 (coming soon)

BD FACSymphony A1 (coming soon)